Let’s Sparkle Your Qi with yoga & movements derived from thai Chi & Qi Gong in the water
Health Benefits of Awa Yoga:
Train more balance
Get more mental rest
Get more flexibility
Train your coordination
Train your hole body
Start your vacation with a clear en relaxt mind or book me when having coffee with friends
location in your own swimingpool * or Caracasbaai
Calms and balance the mind and body
reduces stress and anxiety
icreases circulation
improves flexibility
releases fascia and improves joint mobilitit
balances the internal organs and improves the flow of qi or prana
increases your range of motion
improve balance
low- impact cardio workout
Reduce stress
Boost core stability
increases lung capacity
Naturally improves your mood
If you have a sedula we give a discount, contact me for more info
* we have to stand in the water up to the waist.
**certified Aqua Chi Yoga instructor/ Yin or Flow Instructor
** combine a private yoga session with a massage